Raphael×Lysithea Support Conversations
C Support
リシテア: ここの理論がどうしても成立しない……。考え方は合ってると思うんだけどなあ。
Lysithea: Ugh, this theory just isn’t coming together. The thought behind it is sound enough, but... Hm.
ラファエル: お? リシテアさん。難しい顔しちゃって……悩みでもあんのか?
Raphael: Hey, Lysithea. Your forehead’s all wrinkled. You look tense. Is something wrong? You know you can tell your Big Bro Raph—I mean you know you can tell me anything, right?
リシテア: ラファエル……お気持ちだけで十分です。あんたじゃ役に立ちませんから。
Lysithea: Raphael, while I appreciate your offer, I’m not so sure you’ll be much help here.
ラファエル: んー? ああ、何か難しい調べものか?そりゃあオデじゃ役に立たねえな……。
じゃあ、オデでも解決できそうな悩みはねえのか? 鍛錬が上手くいかねえとか。
Raphael: What does that mean? Oh, are you researching something complicated? In that case, yeah, you’re probably right. Is there something else I can help you with? I’m really good at other things. Like training!
リシテア: はあ?別にそういうのは……
Lysithea: I have absolutely zero interest in such things.
ラファエル: そうだ! かけっこ速くなりたくねえか?オデ、それなら教えてやれるぞ。
Raphael: I have an idea! Do you wanna get real good at playing tag? I could teach you!
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: ...
ラファエル: 追いかけっこのコツも教えてやろうか。簡単に捕まらねえための動き方とかよ。
Raphael: There’s a trick to it that most people don’t know. Like, to not get tagged and stuff. Let me show you!
リシテア: ………………。
Lysithea: ...
ラファエル: 折角の良い天気だし、ほら、兄ちゃんと一緒に外で……
Raphael: It’s too sunny out to spend all day inside studying! C’mon, Big Bro’s gonna take you outsi—
リシテア: もおおおおお!うるさいうるさいうるさーい!
Lysithea: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Can’t you see I’m busy?! Go bother someone else! What nerve you have, too, calling yourself “Big Bro!” Like I’m your little sister or some nonsense. Just cut the act.
ラファエル: え、オデ、兄ちゃんなんて言ったか?そりゃあ悪かった、ついうっかり……
Raphael: Uhhh. Did I really say that out loud?
リシテア: だいたい、学校の成績はわたしよりもだいぶ下ですよね?
Lysithea: Anyway, my grades are miles better than yours.
リシテア: だいたい、学校時代の成績はわたしよりもだいぶ下でしたよね?
リシテア: お兄さんを気取りたいなら、もう少し勉強でもしたらどうですか。
Lysithea: If you want to play the part of “big brother,” you’d probably benefit from studying way, way more.
ラファエル: そうは言われても、オデ、座学は苦手だからよお……。
Raphael: Like I said, I’m really good at other things, just not classroom learning...
リシテア: まったく、いつまでもお気楽で、あんたこそ子供じゃない。
Lysithea: I can’t stand all the excuses. Clearly you’re the little kid here. You got all that? Now, don’t bother me again. Understood? Bye.
ラファエル: うへえ……反抗したいお年頃かなあ。
Raphael: Phew! She must be going through a rebellious phase!
B Support
リシテア: ん、しょ。ん、しょ。はあ、重い……。流石に本を借り過ぎたわ……。
Lysithea: So heavy... Ugh. I think I might've borrowed one too many books this time. And I have to return them at some point— ahhh!
ラファエル: なんだ、なんだあ?
Raphael: What's going on? Everything OK?!
リシテア: やっちゃった……。
Lysithea: Argh, just my luck...
ラファエル: リシテアさんか。こりゃあ派手にぶちまけたなあ。
Raphael: Lysithea? Oh wow. Look at the mess you made.
リシテア: 拾うの手伝ってくれてありがとう。後は自分でやるから……。
Lysithea: Thank you for the assistance. I can take it from here.
ラファエル: こんな重い荷物、一人で運ぶなんて無茶だろ!?
Raphael: Were you planning on carrying this much weight on your own?! Don't be ridiculous! You should've at least asked for help!
リシテア: だって、わたしが借りた本ですし……。それを人に頼むなんて……。
Lysithea: They're all books I need for my studies, and it's my own responsibility. No need to involve others.
ラファエル: じゃあ、せめて半分ずつ分けて運ぶとかすりゃあいいだろう。
Raphael: I'm happy to help you carry some of them. How about half? That's fair, right?
リシテア: こ、このくらい一人で持てますし!わたし、子供じゃないし……!
Lysithea: No, really. I have this. I am not incapable— and I'm not a child.
ラファエル: あっははは!お前、頭は良いのに馬鹿だなあ。
Raphael: Hahaha! As smart as you are, you sure are a silly person. I'm so tough! I'm gonna stand my ground! I don't need help from anyone! And when things don't go my way, I'm gonna act all sad and moody!
リシテア: ……あの、それってわたしの話?まあ、確かにそういうとこはあるけど……
Lysithea: You... are remarkably talented at channeling me...
ラファエル: ん? ああ、悪い悪い。今のはオデの妹の話だ。マーヤってんだ。
Raphael: Huh? Oh, no! Sorry! I was imitating my little sister. Her name's Maya she's way smart, but she can be pretty stubborn. You remind me of her. What I mean to say is that I want to help, so swallow your pride and ask.
リシテア: う……。
Lysithea: Ugh.
ラファエル: この荷物は、オデが運んでやる。文句はねえよな?
Raphael: I'll be carrying this stack of books now. Got a problem with that?
リシテア: はい……。不本意ですが、お願いします。
Lysithea: Yeah, yeah. You seem obstinately determined to go against my wishes.
ラファエル: おしっ!ここでいいな!
Raphael: All right! Is this a good spot to drop 'em?
リシテア: ちょっと! 積み方が雑です!これじゃ崩れます!!
Lysithea: Hey, what're you doing?! They need to be stacked neatly, otherwise they'll topple!
This one needs to be rearranged, otherwise the rest won't fit properly!
ラファエル: なんだ、細けえなあ……。
Raphael: Wow, talk about picky.
リシテア: 助けたいって言ったのあんたですよね?それなら最後まできっちりお願いします。
Lysithea: You're the one who was so insistent on helping. If you're gonna help, do it right or don't bother.
ラファエル: わかったよおおおお……。
Raphael: Fine, fine!
A Support
リシテア: ええと、はしごはしご……。
Lysithea: Where is that darn ladder?
ラファエル: リシテアさん、何か探し物か?
Raphael: Need help with something, Lysithea?
リシテア: はしごが見当たらないんですよ。高いところにある本を見たいんですけど。
Lysithea: I can't find the ladder anywhere, and I need it to check out the books up on that top shelf.
ラファエル: それならオデが取ってやるぞ?
Raphael: Want me to just grab one for you?
リシテア: いえ、自分でいろいろと探したくて……。
Lysithea: No. I need to be able to dig around myself.
ラファエル: じゃあ、オデが肩車してやるよ!お前くらい軽々だからな!
Raphael: No problem! You can sit on my shoulders instead! Up you go!
リシテア: え、ちょ、ちょっとそういうのは……。
Lysithea: Hang on a sec— That's not! Agh!
リシテア: 誰にも見られてませんでしたよね……?ふう……ありがとう、助かりました。
Lysithea: I hope nobody saw that. Anyway, thank you. That was helpful.
I can't believe how many fantastic books were hidden just out of reach up there. Thanks for being so patient while I rummaged.
ラファエル: いいってことよ!これくらい、お安いご用だ。
Raphael: No problem at all! It was my pleasure!
リシテア: ……あの、ラファエルがわたしに優しくしてくれるのって、やっぱり……
Lysithea: Hey, Raphael. You're always extra nice to me.
Is it because I remind you of your sister, Maya?
ラファエル: ああ、リシテアさんを見てると、どうしても思い出しちまうんだよな。
Raphael: Yeah. I can't help but think about her whenever I see you around.
We lost our parents when she was still real little, so she never had adults around to do stuff for her.
That's probably why she grew up to be the kinda kid who wants to do everything on her own.
リシテア: ……背伸び、ですか。わたしも、気持ちはわかりますけど。
Lysithea: That's certainly something I can relate to.
ラファエル: だから、いつもマーヤに言うんだ。もっと兄ちゃんを頼れって。
Raphael: I keep telling her that it's OK to rely on her big bro a little bit.
Like when there's stuff she can't do 'cause she's too small. She just needs to ask someone bigger to do it!
I told her that she could help me when I'm having trouble with stuff too. Then we would be even.
リシテア: そうですね……子供とか大人とか関係なく、得手不得手は人それぞれありますもんね。
Lysithea: Young or old, we call all help one another out. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses.
Receiving help and providing help in return. It sounds so simple, really...
ラファエル: そうそう、そういうことだ!やっぱりリシテアさんは頭、良いなあ!
Raphael: It is simple! I knew you get it!
リシテア: じゃあ、ラファエルも、もっとわたしを頼ってほしいです。
Lysithea: I do. And I hope you understand that you can come to me for help, too, Raphael.
I can't be the only one receiving aid. It makes me feel incompetent and like a kid. I hate that.
ラファエル: そうか? じゃあ……部屋の片づけでも手伝ってもらうかなあ。
Raphael: Hmm... All right then. You can help me clean up my room!
リシテア: ああ、あんたっていろいろ雑ですからね。部屋もごっちゃごちゃなんでしょう?
Lysithea: I bet it's a disaster, knowing you. I'll help you on that front, but I've got some rules on how to keep things tidy. You'll need to listen up!
ラファエル: うーん、一緒に片づけてくれんなら、法則ってのは教えてくれなくてもいいぞ。
そうだあ! これからずっと、オデの部屋を片づけに来てくれよ!
Raphael: If you could help with the actual tidying, that would probably be better. No need to bother with 'rules'. I don't really do so good with remembering the complicated stuff. Oh! I got an idea! It would be even better if you could just came by to tidy up from now on!
リシテア: え?
Lysithea: Uh...
ラファエル: そしたら、オデもこれからずっと、遠慮なくお前を助けてやれるだろお?
Raphael: If you keep helping me, then I can help you whenever you need it! No guilt!
リシテア: ずっとって……どれくらいずっとですか?
Lysithea: Whenever I need it, huh? How long does that offer hold?
ラファエル: んー? ずーっとは、ずーっとだ。お前、おかしなこと聞くなあ。
Raphael: From now on! Like, for always! I don't know what's so difficult to understand...
リシテア: ふふ、わかりました。これからずーっと、ですね。
Lysithea: For always sound nice. I'm fine with that.